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Pro­ject up­date from Kayon­za, Ugan­da


Pro­ject up­date from Kayon­za, Ugan­da


We received a short video from our partner Joseph Ssebunya. It was made during the regular maintenance and disinfection of the water filter in Kayonza in Uganda. Special about this project: We also invested in the construction of a shelter.

All details about the project site here.

At WeWater, a project virtually never ends. Because beyond the delivery and installation of a water filter, we are committed to semi-annual maintenance and disinfection. Our water filters are modular. If a filter membrane breaks, it can simply be replaced with a new one. In this way, our water filters help in the long term and in a cost-efficient way.

You can find all donation options here.


Steven Hille


Steven ist der Autor des nachhaltigen Reiseblogs Funkloch. Irgendwann dachte er sich, dass er nur noch Projekte realisieren sollte, die einen guten Nutzen haben. Inzwischen sammelte er Spenden für ein Tigerbaby, unterstützte ein nationales Bienenprojekt, baute einen Brunnen in Uganda und gründete mit Thilo, Hannes und Ulrich WeWater.

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