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We­Wa­ter is … school wi­t­hout bel­ly ache


We­Wa­ter is … school wi­t­hout bel­ly ache


The boy in the red T-shirt, squatting so happily in front of the new WeWater AQQAcube on the left, is called Michael. He is from Okenye Village in Kenya where children have time to be children again – since the arrival of the filters 8 weeks ago. And adults have many worries less. Michael is 14 years old, a bright 8th grader. “Since we don’t have to drink turbid water anymore, I no longer have stomach aches,” he says. “They were often so bad that I couldn’t go to school at all.” He now also doesn’t miss first classes to fetch water early in the morning before it becomes even more polluted during the day.
Michael aus Okenye
In 24 hours, the two mobile filters turn 2400 liters of brown water into clear drinking water. 1716 villagers are already supplied every day.


Steven Hille


Steven ist der Autor des nachhaltigen Reiseblogs Funkloch. Irgendwann dachte er sich, dass er nur noch Projekte realisieren sollte, die einen guten Nutzen haben. Inzwischen sammelte er Spenden für ein Tigerbaby, unterstützte ein nationales Bienenprojekt, baute einen Brunnen in Uganda und gründete mit Thilo, Hannes und Ulrich WeWater.

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