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Do­na­ting wa­ter in­s­tead of Christ­mas pres­ents: a Christ­mas cam­pai­gn with air up®


Do­na­ting wa­ter in­s­tead of Christ­mas pres­ents: a Christ­mas cam­pai­gn with air up®


The festive season is traditionally a time of giving and compassion.

This year, air up®, the company behind the scented drinking bottles, has decided to transform this tradition in a meaningful and sustainable way.

Instead of the usual Christmas gifts to customers and partners, air up® is supporting the non-profit organisation WeWater with a generous donation.

We have also launched a fundraising campaign together with air up®. Partners and customers of air up® can also take part in the campaign and make a donation.

You can find the donation page here.

This decision not only reflects the community spirit, but also the commitment of both organisations to a more important cause: access to clean drinking water and a world with less plastic pollution.

Every donation counts: How you can help

This Christmas campaign is a wonderful example of how companies and individuals can work together to make a real difference. But the effort doesn’t stop there. Everyone can make a contribution. Every euro donated helps WeWater continue our mission. Because 2.2 billion people worldwide have no access to clean drinking water.

You can donate on the fundraising page or here on the website.


Steven Hille


Steven ist der Autor des nachhaltigen Reiseblogs Funkloch. Irgendwann dachte er sich, dass er nur noch Projekte realisieren sollte, die einen guten Nutzen haben. Inzwischen sammelte er Spenden für ein Tigerbaby, unterstützte ein nationales Bienenprojekt, baute einen Brunnen in Uganda und gründete mit Thilo, Hannes und Ulrich WeWater.

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